This year, this enterprise is now five years old. We couldn’t believe that we will survive the gruesome pandemic, but with determination, courage, and luck (many of it, actually), we are still here and celebrating our fifth founding anniversary.
The first five years meant a lot to us. We have discovered our passion, we have met a lot of people that contributed to who we are today, we face challenges we have never faced before, and a lot more. We are excited about the new chapter of our enterprise, but what is more exciting is that we face that fresh chapter with you in it.
We are still figuring out how we can showcase ourselves more and answer to the demands of our nature and what the better normal entails. This year, we aim to introduce more sustainable products that can be of advantage to all of us and the environment. We want to continue what we have started and served our clients better products in the long run.
As we traverse through the new year ahead, we want to expand our horizons – locally and hopefully, internationally. We cannot thank you enough for the five years you have been with us, we hope you continue to support us and our advocacy to the next years or more.
You are a part of our story and our success. Thank you so much for your usual support. Cheers to 5 years! Here’s to the new year.